The Scritch Show: Darrell’s Journey
Re-posted from:
Posted by Chris Jantzen, September 9, 2016
Direct download: scritchshow-160909-DarrellsJourney.mp3
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Voluntary Visions, Darrell’s website
Darrell’s Journey
- The gradual transition, learning to use words, realizations
- Questioning the questioning
- Vaccinations
- Not making a choice is still making a choice
- Fallacy Fallacy
- Taking Risks, Moving to Hawaii
- Tricky path to licensing in Acupuncture
- Open minds, Closed minds
- Getting shaken down by gangs, oriental mental boot camp
- Stress and Trauma of society
- Predicted and Desired results using Methods such as the Trivium, Non-Violent Communication
- Getting things done, combining methodologies
- Using the mental tools having experience, being prepared for a job
- Peaceful parenting
- Opportunity to learn and investigate
- Being part of the problem?
- Change the obligation to desire
- Martial arts, calmness, trauma conditioning at childhood
- The Darrell Institute coming soon…
- Climate Change, Al Gore
- Graham Hancock on continental drift
- Rupert Sheldrake banned ted talk Corbett Report
- Judgment is Incomplete but natural as pooping
- “You got to??”
- Choose and decide to! Keep an open mind!
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