The Scritch Show: Darrell’s Journey

by | Sep 9, 2016 | Interviews | 0 comments

Re-posted from:
Posted by Chris Jantzen, September 9, 2016

Direct download: scritchshow-160909-DarrellsJourney.mp3

[email protected]

Voluntary Visions, Darrell’s website

Darrell’s Journey

  1. The gradual transition, learning to use words, realizations
  2. Questioning the questioning
  3. Vaccinations
  4. Not making a choice is still making a choice
  5. Fallacy Fallacy
  6. Taking Risks, Moving to Hawaii
  7. Tricky path to licensing in Acupuncture
  8. Open minds, Closed minds
  9. Getting shaken down by gangs, oriental mental boot camp
  10. Stress and Trauma of society
  11. Predicted and Desired results using Methods such as the Trivium, Non-Violent Communication
  12. Getting things done, combining methodologies
  13. Using the mental tools having experience, being prepared for a job
  15. Peaceful parenting
  16. Opportunity to learn and investigate
  17. Being part of the problem?
  18. Change the obligation to desire
  19. Martial arts, calmness, trauma conditioning at childhood
  20. The Darrell Institute coming soon…
  21. Climate Change, Al Gore
  22. Graham Hancock on continental drift
  23. Rupert Sheldrake banned ted talk Corbett Report
  24. Judgment is Incomplete but natural as pooping
  25. “You got to??”
  26. Choose and decide to! Keep an open mind!
  27. [email protected]
  28. Friends of The Scritch Show email list